Wednesday 6 July 2011

Can Someone Open An "Anti-Costco"?

Has anyone else ever thought they should make grocery stores for single people? Maybe this is how I will make my millions, develop this concept? 

How often do you open a bag of salad or a crate of strawberries, and only days later they go rotten? I can't count how many times this has happened to me! Its quite irritating! You try & eat healthy as a single person & most of the time, the stuff goes bad before you can use even half of it!! 

Mmm! Delicious moldy fruit!!!

Yesterday my friend asked me if I had a Costco card! I just laughed at her & said "Why would I have a Costco card?" Sure, you don't have to buy just food from Costco, but what single 20 something has one? If you want to have a years worth of toilet paper or Windex in one trip (I still have the industrial size I bought when I moved out over 2.5 years ago), then maybe that's enough for you, but I can't imagine myself paying for a membership to buy stuff that will most likely, go bad! 

I'm sure some people are going to say, just make everything & freeze it, or buy frozen fruits & vegetables, but doesn't that defeat the purpose of buying FRESH produce? I also don't own a deep freeze, so I would have no where to put all of this stuff! Instead I buy what I like to call "single lady dinners" aka Lean Cuisine or any other frozen meal, eat those & probably consume what too much processed food! Maybe I also just hate cooking in general? :)

So I purpose that someone, with a lot more smarts & innovation than me, start sort of an "Anti-Costco" for single people! Sell smaller portioned things for a reasonable price? Am I crazy? Does this sound like a good idea to anyone else? Unless you're on 19 Kids & Counting, I don't see why granola bars have to come in a box of 100!!

I hope someone shares my crazy thoughts on this one! :)


Sunday 3 July 2011

What Do You Mean You Don't Do Yoga!?

Trends! Its sort of a pandemic in my opinion! Yoga, quinoa, see where I'm going??

It seems you can't go anywhere without people talking about one of these things these days! Do you feel out of the loop when you have NO idea what they're talking about? Yeah, me too! You politely smile & nod, while the sound of quinoa in everything makes you want to vomit? What's so great about it anyways? (I'm sure its really good, and healthy, but I just don't think people need to talk about it all the time, and put it in EVERYTHING!) Seriously, its usually brought up about once a day in the staff room at work!

Does this look appealing to you?

Don't even get me started on yoga! I guess I'm probably so "anti-yoga" is because like the aforementioned quinoa, people just don't shut up about it! Maybe part of the reason is also because I am pretty sure I'd be dreadful at it! Sure, I've done it on my Wii Fit (in my ever constant battle to lose weight) & it hasn't been so bad, but I can't see myself signing up for a class & doing it! I'm sure people are just going to think "Stop complaining & just try it" about mostly everything I say on this post, but I just need to get it out, and hopefully find someone who shares my mind set!

And the yoga wear! I'm sorry, I know it's probably comfortable, but I can't justify paying over $100 for a pair  of pants to sweat it! I do realize that most people are only wearing this stuff because its fashionable, but it still really irritates me! I know its irrational, but I can't help it! I say, go to Wal Mart, pay $20 for the pants & be done with it! But I guess that's the "getting old" part of me kicking in!! :)

I'm sure everyone looks like this while doing yoga! ;)

Everyone has to know of these people....."You should join boot camp with me, it's SO FUN and you'll LOVE IT"! I'm sorry, but getting up at 5am to work out while some one yells at you to run up & down hills, which then will most likely induce vomiting does not appeal to me! Then when you tell them no, they just keep hounding you!!

Like I said, I'm sure some people are going to read this & think all I do is complain, but lets face it! I'm 28...I pretty much know what I like & what I don't! That's not to say I have a completely closed mind about trying new things, but when they get blown up like these particular things do, it makes me want to try it less & less! Call it what you will, I just call it knowing myself!


Saturday 2 July 2011

Growing Pains....When Did We Turn Into Our Mothers?

Hello world! This is my first blog post & I am really excited about starting this! I just thought about starting this tonight when I came home & heard these kids screaming while playing & thought to myself "Do all children have to scream like that"? Then I realized how OLD I sounded! While I don't feel my age (28, turning 29 in less than a week) I am starting to realize that a lot of the things that I SWORE would never bug me when I was younger are starting to. This made me laugh! If I could list everything, I think I would develop carpal tunnel syndrome from typing it all down!

Here are some examples :
1. People who drive really noisy cars. You know the ones? With those crazy loud mufflers that could wake the dead? They usually have some shitty music at loud volumes too.

2. Neighbours who have their music obnoxiously loud. Yes, I have one of these! I left her a "friendly"note and when that didn't solve the problem, I wrote TWO...yes TWO e-mails to my condo board. I would have never thought that I would be doing this!

3. Kids who don't dress their age & look way older than they are. I don't get it! When I was in high school, we wore everything 2 times too big! Granted, we grew up with Nirvana & Soundgarden, but still! Some of the kids I see these days look older than I do! I guess that's part of the reason I never feel "grown up" enough!

4. Going shopping & not knowing what a particular garment is! I realized a few months back while I was shopping with a good friend that I am either out of touch with the world or I am old! I picked up something and said "Is this a skirt or a top"? to which she replied "I'm not sure." This is something our mothers would have probably said when we were younger! When did we turn into our mothers?!!

As I've just written all of that, I realize how lame this makes me sound, but I am sure I'm not the only one who feels this way! 

Like I said, there are many other things I could probably add to that list, but for now this is good! I hope for this to be a somewhat humorous blog so I would appreciate comments to let me know how I am doing. This is my first post & I hope to add many more. 
